Saturday, July 27, 2013

Work Smarter | Play Harder

Technology is driving us through a paradigm of mass information, towards a theoretical paradigm of mass imagination.  In this information age, our need to sift, organize, process, and retain knowledge continues to accelerate.  Thankfully, technological advances help us deal with the rapidly growing mass of content.  More connected and faster devices, a host of applications (excuse the pun), and cloud computing are some of the major game changers.  OneNote® is a great productivity application that has been around for several years, but doesn't get the attention it deserves.  Read on to see how Mastering OneNote® can help you be more productive, sleep better at night, and impress your co-workers.

OneNote® is an application found in MS-Office suites, but many licensees are simply unaware of its power, even after a brief exploration on their own (once they discover it in their MS-Office folder).  OneNote® can be used by anyone to organize personal information, by parents to organize family information, by entrepreneurs to record ideas, by researchers to capture web pages and to footnote information, and by employees to create agendas, scribe meeting minutes, summarize meeting minutes, and much more.

Mastering OneNote® helps you organize work/life artifacts.  Delegating the work to OneNote®, not only produces more reliable and higher quality results than our brains can produce, but also allows you to sleep deeper so that you can play harder.

Personally, OneNote® can help you stay organized by managing your passwords, emergency contact information, favorite recipes, entrepreneurial ideas, and more.  Professionally, OneNote® improves the speed at which you can, for example, prepare agendas for meetings, summarize and Email meeting results, and retrieve information after long periods of time.

Information in OneNote® is automatically saved!  That's right; there is no need for a save icon.  If you put content on the page (i.e., by typing text or inserting a file), you can simply "x out of the window" without having to save what you typed.  When you reopen OneNote®, everything you put on the page is still there!

Sharing OneNote® files on the internet or your shared network allows synchronization with your local drive.  This can be a great feature if you use a laptop on the go.  Synchronization occurs automatically when you connect to the same network as the shared OneNote® file.

OneNote® is a jewel of an application, and if you subscribe to my blog, in the weeks ahead, I'll teach you all you need to know to relax at home, and perform like a star at work.

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